Thank you for helping us raise funds to support people with lung cancer
Welcome to Arcade for Airways, presented by the Lung Health Foundation. The donation form is active to support those in the fight for their lives against the biggest cancer killer in Canada: lung cancer. Every year, we lose over 21,000 Canadians this deadly disease – that’s 58 families forced to say goodbye every single day. Still, despite the grim reality, lung cancer is the least funded.
Survival rates for lung cancer have barely improved in decades with only 19% living five years past diagnosis. More Canadians will die this year from lung cancer than colorectal, breast and prostate cancer combined.
Check out Lung Health Foundation’s social media for stream dates and times.
Together, we can make a real and immediate impact for people with lung cancer.
Ready to watch our gamers raise funds for Lung Health Foundation? Click on the profile above on the date and time shown, watch and donate! Gamers will be giving away great prizes during their streams. Can’t wait to donate or make a stream? You can make a donation by clicking on the Donate button now!

How your donations help
With your support we can continue to fight the blame and shame that too often comes with a lung cancer diagnosis and advocate for much needed changes to the healthcare system.
Programs and Support
Many people with lung cancer go through it alone out of fear of judgment and feeling less worthy of help. Our programs and support help them, their caregivers and their families cope with big emotions and complex needs that come with lung cancer.
Inside the healthcare system, there are long-overdue changes needed to save the over 80% of Canadians with lung cancer who will die within five years of diagnosis. Government and other decision-makers need to understand how policy and decisions impact care and the lives of people with lung cancer.
Life-changing and live-saving treatment and solutions come from research. It’s how we’ll unlock new, more effective treatment to extend lives and one day save them with a cure.
Provider Education
Education for healthcare providers is needed to address the unconscious bias of lung cancer and how it affects care. Providers also need help supporting patients dealing with the blame and shame that too often come from the misconception that lung cancer is a “smoker’s cancer.”
Public Education
Lung cancer stigma is way too common and has deadly consequences. That’s because it’s still wrongly seen as a “smoker’s cancer.” Public education combats that judgement that implies some people deserve to get sick.
Friends of Arcade for Airways
Thank you to our event in-kind donors for providing streaming prizes. Join one of our live stream events to learn how to win a prize.